Faith Formation
The primary focus of faith formation is on fostering an encounter with the person of Jesus and on enabling the experience of intimacy and communion with Him and His Church. Children are taught to learn from Jesus, to think and judge like Him in the Faith Formation curriculum. It is hoped that children will develop a commitment to participate in the mission and ministry of Jesus, our Savior, living their Christian faith, in the Church community, for the Kingdom of God. We have an excellent religious education offering for the children of our parish. We would like to welcome, invite and encourage you and your child(ren) to become part of our Catholic Faith Formation Program for children. What a gift we give to our children and teens of our wonderful parish, the gift of Faith in Jesus. Our Catechists, provide support and encouragement to all parents in our parish as they bring their children to love and serve the Lord.
If you would like to register your child for classes, please contact our parish office.
Do you know a family member, neighbor, friend or someone at work who may be interested in knowing more about joining the Catholic Church and our faith?
For more information, please contact Fr. Lazarus @ 712-623-2744.
Registration for grades Pre-K through 12 is open and we hope that everyone will register their children soon. Below is a letter with registration information and upcoming activity information, a registration form, and flyer for our Faith Formation. Please check back to this website for updates and further information.
The Bishop of the Diocese of Des Moines has asked us to Confirm our young people in the Sophomore Year of High School. Here at St. Mary's, we have an active High School Youth Ministry Program, and we will implement the Bishops Pastoral Letter. All Youths are asked to attend and be active in our Youth Ministry Program. Guidelines for Confirmation are available in English and Spanish. These guidelines are for the Confirmation Candidates, their Parents, Sponsors, and Mentors.
Confirmation will be held October 31, 2021.